Range Rules
What you need to know before attending the range.
Treat every airgun as if it were loaded.
Double-check it, especially when receiving an airgun from someone else.
Never point an airgun, either loaded or unloaded, at any person.
Always keep the airgun pointed in a safe direction, down the range.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are aiming at the target and about to shoot.
Appropriate eye protection is to be worn on the range at all times.
Airguns that are not in use should always be unloaded.
No airgun is to be left unattended.
Only cock or load an airgun when you are shooting at your chosen target.
If you encounter any problems with your airgun please mention this to the instructors before attempting to resolve the issue yourself.
Do not rely on an airgun's safety.
Break barrel airguns and hold the barrel while loading!
Underlever airguns, hold the lever while loading!
Do not ‘walk’ onto the range to reset or change targets etc. until all airguns have been unloaded, checked and placed on the shooting table unloaded and you have been given permission to do so.
The shooting of any live quarry is forbidden.
You must hold valid insurance to shoot the range unless under instruction.
Stop shooting immediately when requested to do so.
Shoot safely and respect other shooters.